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130 Unique questions each practice test. Dynamic question as per exam pattern.
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Glad to inform you that I cleared the CBAP exam last Friday. Thank you very much for all the help and support you provided.
Hope you are doing well in the pandemic situation! I am pleased to tell you that after CCBA, I have cleared the IIBA, AAC certification.
Thank you for all the assistance that you gave me. I gave the CCBA exam on yesterday and have cleared the same.
I'm just texting you to say thank you for your excellent course. I was able to pass my ECBA exam.
Happy to inform you I have passed the ECBA exam today.
I am glad to inform you that I have cleared my exam successfully.
Happy to inform that I cleared by CBAP certification.
I wanted to inform you that I gave my exam on 3rd October and was able to clear it. Thanks for all your help and guidance
I have successfully completed/Cleared my CBAP certification
T Systems